Slug Genearator By Apple Point
Firstly, it's important to understand what a slug is. A slug is the part of a URL that comes after the domain name and identifies a specific page or post. For example, in the URL "" "how-to-write-a-blog-post" is the slug.
Keep it short and sweet: Shorter slugs tend to perform better in search engine results and are easier for readers to remember and type into their browser.
Be descriptive: Your slug should give readers an idea of what your post is about. Avoid generic or vague slugs like "post1" or "blog-123" and opt for descriptive slugs like "5-tips-for-creating-effective-slugs."
Avoid stop words: Stop words are common words like "and," "the," and "a" that don't add much value to your slug. Avoid using them to keep your slugs concise and focused.
Make it unique: Your slug should be unique to each post, so avoid using the same slug for multiple posts.
Use hyphens: Hyphens are the preferred way to separate words in a slug, as they are more search-engine-friendly than underscores or other symbols.
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